Eye on the Reef


If you need information that is in a format you cannot access, or if you experience any other accessibility difficulties, please contact info@gbrmpa.gov.au with the details.

If you need assistance because the document you need is not available in a format you can access, please contact info@gbrmpa.gov.au.

Web standards

We follow World Wide Web Consortium's standards as far as possible - a set of global standards designed to make content available to everyone. This includes following their WCAG 2.0 Web Introduction to Techniques for WCAG 2.0 | Techniques for WCAG 2.0 (w3.org) and, as far as possible with new content, we aim to meet their WCAG 2.0 guidelines. We also aim to meet the Australian Government Digital Transformation Agency Digital Service Standard..

As far as possible we have documents and/or summaries of documents available in either HTML and/or PDF formats.

Technical aspects

The styling of this site is designed to make the content scalable to fit different screen resolutions.

This site will display correctly in major browsers.

The text is scalable, allowing it to be resized in the browser window.

Print style sheets are provided to make printed pages clear and free from unnecessary material not required to be reproduced in print versions.

Links are friendly URLs and have meaningful link text which can be read by screen readers.

This website has been developed to meet the ‘AA’ conformance rating, as set out in the W3C web content accessibility guidelines, we are in the process of getting this website conformance rating approved.


As part of meeting the WCAG 2.0 standards, most information on the site will be provided in HTML format. Some information on the site will be available for export. Accessibility information for XLSX and CSV file types is available from Microsoft Excel (Accessibility tools for Excel (microsoft.com) and from Google Earth for KML and KMZ file types (Accessibility in Google Earth - Computer - Google Earth Help).


All navigation on this site should be accessible without Javascipt, Cascading Style Sheets or graphical images.


Images on this site have meaningful alternative ‘alt' tags which can be read by screen readers.

Accessibility help - contact us

Accessibility of this website and application is very important to the Reef Authority and the Eye on the Reef Program. If you have any problems using this site or have any comments, feedback or questions, please contact info@gbrmpa.gov.au